2 Brothers On The 4Th Floor «Come Take My Hand». ТЕКСТ ПЕСНИ

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Come Take My Hand
2 Brothers On The 4Th Floor
Come Take My Hand
Слова: D-Rock, Dancability, Bobby B.
Музыка: D-Rock, Dancability, Bobby B.
© ООО «Никитин мьюзик групп»
℗ CDCom Publishing
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Come Take My Hand
2 Brothers On The 4Th Floor
Come Take My Hand
Слова: D-Rock, Dancability, Bobby B.
Музыка: D-Rock, Dancability, Bobby B.
© ООО «Никитин мьюзик групп»
℗ CDCom Publishing
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Слова: D-Rock, Dancability, Bobby B.
Музыка: D-Rock, Dancability, Bobby B.
© ООО «Никитин мьюзик групп»
℗ CDCom Publishing
I know a place where the sun's always shining,
With lovely flowers around everywhere.
Come take my hand, I'll show you, I'll guide you.
I know this place, it's deep down inside you.

I know a place where people not fighting,
With smiling faces around everywhere.
Come take my hand, I'll show you, I'll guide you.
I know this place, it's deep down inside you.

Come take my hand, I'll lead you, just follow me.
To wonderland, deep down inside of you.
Come take my hand, I'll lead you, just follow me.
Come take my hand, come take my hand.

Come take my hand, I'll lead you, just follow me.
To wonderland, it's deep down inside of you.
Come take my hand I'll lead you, just follow me.
Come take my hand, come take my hand.

Fantasize, energize, only you can rise, rise.
If you really wanna do it, get in to it, baby move it.
Slip slide to the place, bring a happy face, bass.
Treble rebel is what I am, I boogie in the wonderland.

It's up to you to find, what you're looking for,
As I rock, rock, rock to the rhythm, I can give you more, more,
From the soul, take control, find yourself never to old.
Come, come, take my hand, and I will take you to this land.

I know a place where the sun's always shining,
With lovely flowers around everywhere.
Come take my hand, I'll show you, I'll guide you.
I know this place, it's deep down inside you.

I know a place where people not fighting,
With smiling faces around everywhere.
Come take my hand, I'll show you, I'll guide you.
I know this place, it's deep down inside you.

Come take my hand, I'll lead you, just follow me.
To wonderland, deep down inside of you.
Come take my hand, I'll lead you, just follow me.
Come take my hand, come take my hand.

Come take my hand, I'll lead you, just follow me.
To wonderland, it's deep down inside of you.
Come take my hand I'll lead you, just follow me.
Come take my hand, come take my hand.

Fantasize, energize, only you can rise, rise.
If you really wanna do it, get in to it, baby move it.
Slip slide to the place, bring a happy face, bass.
Treble rebel is what I am, I boogie in the wonderland.

It's up to you to find, what you're looking for,
As I rock, rock, rock to the rhythm, I can give you more, more,
From the soul, take control, find yourself never to old.
Come, come, take my hand, and I will take you to this land.

I know a place where the sun's always shining,
With lovely flowers around everywhere.
Come take my hand, I'll show you, I'll guide you.
I know this place, it's deep down inside you.

I know a place where people not fighting,
With smiling faces around everywhere.
Come take my hand, I'll show you, I'll guide you.
I know this place, it's deep down inside you.

Come take my hand, I'll lead you, just follow me.
To wonderland, deep down inside of you.
Come take my hand, I'll lead you, just follow me.
Come take my hand, come take my hand.

Come take my hand, I'll lead you, just follow me.
To wonderland, it's deep down inside of you.
Come take my hand I'll lead you, just follow me.
Come take my hand, come take my hand.
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SQL Запросы
[2025-03-18 15:08:35] karaoke_site@master-db1.dev:5432> select "page".* from "page" where (url = '/artists/2-brothers-on-the-4th-floor/text/come-take-my-hand/')
[2025-03-18 15:08:35] karaoke_site@master-db1.dev:5432> 
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[2025-03-18 15:08:35] srv1.dev:11211> get:site_sesshabfgsh49muj322mkjcqg51ce7
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[2025-03-18 15:08:35] karaoke_site@master-db1.dev:5432>         select s.*
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[2025-03-18 15:08:35] karaoke_site@master-db1.dev:5432> select "collection".* from "collection_song"
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[2025-03-18 15:08:35] karaoke_site@master-db1.dev:5432> select "song_author"."song_id" __pr_pk,
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[2025-03-18 15:08:35] karaoke_site@master-db1.dev:5432> select "author".* from "author" where "id" in ('1944','347022','396','736','376','398399','2227','399123','399120','399121','399122')
[2025-03-18 15:08:35] karaoke_site@master-db1.dev:5432> 
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[2025-03-18 15:08:35] karaoke_site@master-db1.dev:5432> select "song".* from "song" where "id" in ('3619847','10529','5270','5259','3489916')
[2025-03-18 15:08:35] karaoke_site@master-db1.dev:5432> select "collection".* from "collection_song"
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[2025-03-18 15:08:35] karaoke_site@master-db1.dev:5432> select "counter".* from "counter" where (song_id = '784359') and (vendor_id in (6,3)) and (type_id = '1')
[2025-03-18 15:08:35] redis-cluster> zRevRange: r:song:784359:total (0, 4)
[2025-03-18 15:08:35] karaoke_site@master-db1.dev:5432> select "collection".* from "collection_song"
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[2025-03-18 15:08:35] srv1.dev:11211> set:site_sesshabfgsh49muj322mkjcqg51ce7
[2025-03-18 15:08:35] srv1.dev:11311> set:site_sesshabfgsh49muj322mkjcqg51ce7